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Social media fast day one

Welp, today was eventful, but not. It was the kickoff to the spring semester for me, which meant I was overwhelmed from the time I woke up.  Unfortunately, I also woke up with some serious sinus pressure in my head, and some serious congestion to accompany it. So, what's a girl to do but make some ginger concentrate.
I sliced a real big ginger root with my mandolin and simmered it in my biggest saucepan for a few hours. Add a splash of this stuff to a mug of hot water and a touch of honey... you have hot, not so sweet, gingerale. It's pretty awesome, and has helped open my head up a bit.
After my big adventure out of the house for pens (which, as it turns out, I didn't really need) to keep myself organized for this semester, I got some Thai Kitchen noodle bowls, which is basically my option for Gluten free ramen. They come with rice noodles and spices. I decided the mushroom bowl I made needed , well, mushrooms. Luckily I had some in the fridge.
I successfully resisted temptation of the Facebook siren song... or maybe I was just too dang busy.
Enjoy the pics below, including my wild bed head.


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