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Showing posts from August, 2013

*Insert Led Zeppelin song title here*

...whether it be "Ramble on" or "Over the hills and far away"  or "Battle of Evermore".  All are quite appropriate in their own right. The last few months have been... strange.  Strange and wonderful. JP and ZG are growing like weeds and changing into little people.  This is both fascinating and terrifying. I have discovered (through a series of tests and trials) that I have quite a severe intolerance (dare I say allergy) to gluten. This makes me sad and resentful. I almost feel (dare I say) weak and high maintenance. I haven't really talked much about it, cause I almost feel ashamed.  Why?!  I couldn't tell you. i guess it's the sheer frustration that I can be transformed from the person I am; loud, confident, and, dare I say, funny... into this pile of useless flesh, crippled by migraines and digestive distress from eating... Baked goods. That's dumb as hell. Seriously.  Anyone who has known me for any amount of times know...