I have been blessed time and again. First with a husband that does everything in his power to make me happy (not that it takes a whole heck of a lot). Then with a son who has been, for the most part, the picture of a perfect child. Most recently, we have been blessed with a perfect, particular baby girl. She is a happy baby, but only when she is the perfect temperature, fed, dry, and in a comfortable position. Let's not forget rested, either. She loves to be sitting up and looking around, even at 10 weeks old. She doesn't like to be reclined in the typical new baby position, which is kind of the go-to hold when anyone new holds her. *cue screams* Today, she broke out into a nice scream when a girl from church kissed her cheek. Who knows if the sound was a little closer to her ear, of if she just did not want to be kissed... When JP was born, we had people lined up to keep him so we could go out to dinner or anything really. Last night, we had an event to attend with my husb...
The tale of my great adventure as I transition from full time worker mommy to stay at home mommy