I have been blessed time and again. First with a husband that does everything in his power to make me happy (not that it takes a whole heck of a lot). Then with a son who has been, for the most part, the picture of a perfect child.
Most recently, we have been blessed with a perfect, particular baby girl.
She is a happy baby, but only when she is the perfect temperature, fed, dry, and in a comfortable position. Let's not forget rested, either.
She loves to be sitting up and looking around, even at 10 weeks old. She doesn't like to be reclined in the typical new baby position, which is kind of the go-to hold when anyone new holds her. *cue screams*
We were visiting my grandmother the day after my grandpa passed. Grandma's brothers were there with their wives, bringing cassaroles and flowers. Z was particularly hungry that afternoon... shocking to all that have met her I'm sure. The kid eats every 90 minutes on average. If she is going thru a growth spurt, every 45 minutes to hour.
My mom's aunt, grandma's sister in law, asked if she had colic. I was taken aback. Not my little girl! I brushed it off with a quick "no!" and a subject change.
I had to keep reminding myself that this person hasn't seen me in several years, and has never until this moment met my children. She has no idea what their personalities are like. I'm not even sure how long it had been since she had seen a newborn child.
Normally, what people say to me doesn't matter all that much, especially when its a criticism. When people pick at my kiddos, however, it brings out the mama bear... not always outwardly, but without fail.
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