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Showing posts from March, 2012


The idea of writing was a good one while Matt was away... however, a little ambitious.  I have some absolutely wonderful people in my life that kept my mind occupied and the two weeks went relatively fast, once the kids were over being sick. Most nights I knitted on the couch until I was falling asleep.  I did manage to finish 7-9 bibs for miss Z.  Only takes me about a day to knock one out!

3/1 - official day 1

So, first full day without the husband here. Kids finally getting over whatever creeping crud he left us with... I finally got the congestion part. Luckily I had some sinus headache meds. JP went back to pre-school today, and since it was grandparent's day, my fil went with him! I got a teeny nap in after school, the kids napped, then we went to hang with the in-laws before the women's meeting. What I missed : I missed him being in the shower when I got up, saying "'Morning, baby!" What I didn't miss : The alarms waking me up at 5:30am. Now... off  to bed!

2/29 - Unoffical day one.

My husband kissed me and our kids this morning and boarded a plane to NC, where he will be on a business trip for the next 15 days. A few things will happen while he's gone: 1. I am going to try and blog every night after the kids go to bed... both as a recap to get my mind right, and to maintain my ever loving sanity. 2. I am going to list one thing I miss with the husband gone. 3. I am also going to list one thing I do not miss. Today is unofficially day one as I saw him this morning. Oh, but was it a doozie... Hubs brought home a bug from work.  Yuck.  The last 2 days I have kept JP home from school since he picked it up.  Today he felt a lot better, but his eyes didn't look 100%.  So, another day couch surfing. Today, Z woke up (after having cut her first tooth yesterday) with a runny nose and a lowgrade fever.  Greaaaaaaaate. She fought me for a solid 3 hours this morning (she usually takes a nap around 9:30 or so) exhausted, snotty, I'm sure her g...

Business trip t-2 days

2/26/2012 10:30pm I'm waiting to publish these records until my husband returns from his trip, as I am really not comfortable with advertising that I am alone with 2 small kids... for 2 weeks. My husband is a branch manager for PNC.  Since PNC recently acquired RBC's US operations, they are sending several seasoned managers & tellers to oversee the conversion.  My husband is going to the Plymouth, NC branch. I'm kind of terrified.  I know that I'll be ok and it's not forever, and that LOTS of other women have it lots worse than I do... But I'm gonna miss my honey! He got his suitcase out, and I got a little light-headed.  Like, this just got real. EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk!