My husband kissed me and our kids this morning and boarded a plane to NC, where he will be on a business trip for the next 15 days.
A few things will happen while he's gone:
1. I am going to try and blog every night after the kids go to bed... both as a recap to get my mind right, and to maintain my ever loving sanity.
2. I am going to list one thing I miss with the husband gone.
3. I am also going to list one thing I do not miss.
Today is unofficially day one as I saw him this morning.
Oh, but was it a doozie...
Hubs brought home a bug from work. Yuck. The last 2 days I have kept JP home from school since he picked it up. Today he felt a lot better, but his eyes didn't look 100%. So, another day couch surfing.
Today, Z woke up (after having cut her first tooth yesterday) with a runny nose and a lowgrade fever. Greaaaaaaaate.
She fought me for a solid 3 hours this morning (she usually takes a nap around 9:30 or so) exhausted, snotty, I'm sure her gums were hurting, too. She would scream if I held her, scream if I put her down. Screaming. For 3 hours. She finally fell asleep at 2pm to wake up around 3:15pm.
Thank God she fell asleep easy tonight... I wish I could be sick for her. She's a tough cookie, so I can imagine how yucky she feels.
JP was a trooper... hanging out on the couch and playing quietly. He's such a good dude.
As for me... I'm just glad they are in bed without a fight.
Here's my first "unofficial" list:
what I miss : He's usually home by now.
what I don't miss: nothing yet... tho it was nice not to have to clean peanut butter off any plates this evening...
A few things will happen while he's gone:
1. I am going to try and blog every night after the kids go to bed... both as a recap to get my mind right, and to maintain my ever loving sanity.
2. I am going to list one thing I miss with the husband gone.
3. I am also going to list one thing I do not miss.
Today is unofficially day one as I saw him this morning.
Oh, but was it a doozie...
Hubs brought home a bug from work. Yuck. The last 2 days I have kept JP home from school since he picked it up. Today he felt a lot better, but his eyes didn't look 100%. So, another day couch surfing.
Today, Z woke up (after having cut her first tooth yesterday) with a runny nose and a lowgrade fever. Greaaaaaaaate.
She fought me for a solid 3 hours this morning (she usually takes a nap around 9:30 or so) exhausted, snotty, I'm sure her gums were hurting, too. She would scream if I held her, scream if I put her down. Screaming. For 3 hours. She finally fell asleep at 2pm to wake up around 3:15pm.
Thank God she fell asleep easy tonight... I wish I could be sick for her. She's a tough cookie, so I can imagine how yucky she feels.
JP was a trooper... hanging out on the couch and playing quietly. He's such a good dude.
As for me... I'm just glad they are in bed without a fight.
Here's my first "unofficial" list:
what I miss : He's usually home by now.
what I don't miss: nothing yet... tho it was nice not to have to clean peanut butter off any plates this evening...
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