...is hard!
For real. You have visions of every moment being perfect. Surely my child will never have a blow-out diaper or pee all over himself or talk back or hit or repeat something unsavory.
Yeah... completely realistic.
Most days are pretty good. Yesterday was not.
Z is teething. The first several teeth were no sweat, I didn't even know she was teething until they broke thru! Apparently, eye teeth are harder. She had a fever and was cranky pants all day long. Like "hold me so I can try to get away, but I'll scream if you put me down" cranky.
Luckily she took 2 naps, so there's that.
JP was being particularly defiant...It seemed like he kept a mental checklist of everything I ever told him not to do, like putting his feet on his sister, throwing toys, pressing buttons on a loud toy in rapid succession, pushing his sister down, pulling his sister's hair, and did all of them.
Or it could just be that I had a short fuse on account of the migraine that came on REALLY fast.
Since we were taking my husband's mother out for dinner, I got the kids into the bath (Z in her little tub inside the bath, and JP in the big tub) where Z promptly pooped everywhere.
It could be worse, I know, since everything was contained in the little tub.
Then my headache started kicking like VanDamme.
One of the many scenarios when I love the playland. I took my meds to try and knock it out early, and took the kids downstairs so I could lay down.
Luckily, my husband walked in and took the kiddos for a while so I could sleep it off.
Dinner was ok. The food was delicious, but JP ended up falling off his chair and breaking his plate. He was fine, just shaken up.
He's a funny kid. When stuff like that happens, he gets scared and needs re-assurance that he's ok.
I'm surprised he didn't fall sooner. He was sitting on his knees on the chair. When I told him, "That's why we tell you not to sit that way... you could really get hurt!" His response was ,"But Mommy, I can't reach my food!"
I guess we need to start getting him a booster to use.
For real. You have visions of every moment being perfect. Surely my child will never have a blow-out diaper or pee all over himself or talk back or hit or repeat something unsavory.
Yeah... completely realistic.
Most days are pretty good. Yesterday was not.
Z is teething. The first several teeth were no sweat, I didn't even know she was teething until they broke thru! Apparently, eye teeth are harder. She had a fever and was cranky pants all day long. Like "hold me so I can try to get away, but I'll scream if you put me down" cranky.
Luckily she took 2 naps, so there's that.
JP was being particularly defiant...It seemed like he kept a mental checklist of everything I ever told him not to do, like putting his feet on his sister, throwing toys, pressing buttons on a loud toy in rapid succession, pushing his sister down, pulling his sister's hair, and did all of them.
Or it could just be that I had a short fuse on account of the migraine that came on REALLY fast.
Since we were taking my husband's mother out for dinner, I got the kids into the bath (Z in her little tub inside the bath, and JP in the big tub) where Z promptly pooped everywhere.
It could be worse, I know, since everything was contained in the little tub.
Then my headache started kicking like VanDamme.
One of the many scenarios when I love the playland. I took my meds to try and knock it out early, and took the kids downstairs so I could lay down.
Luckily, my husband walked in and took the kiddos for a while so I could sleep it off.
Dinner was ok. The food was delicious, but JP ended up falling off his chair and breaking his plate. He was fine, just shaken up.
He's a funny kid. When stuff like that happens, he gets scared and needs re-assurance that he's ok.
I'm surprised he didn't fall sooner. He was sitting on his knees on the chair. When I told him, "That's why we tell you not to sit that way... you could really get hurt!" His response was ,"But Mommy, I can't reach my food!"
I guess we need to start getting him a booster to use.
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