Couldn't resist the little nod to my husband's newest passion... GOLF! Anyway... I like to say that if I had life to do over, I wouldn't change a thing. I learned from every mistake I made. As time passes, I think I have gained wisdom and tact from my mistakes... which are many more than a few, I can assure you! Raising children is different. There are a few things that I would change, given the opportunity. My kids wouldn't be anymore awesome... cause that's not possible. They are at the highest peak of awesomeness. But I think knowing then what I know now would have made me feel like a better mom. So... here are the things I would change: 1: Breastfeeding. I did breastfeed both of my kiddos. JP for 9 months, and Z for 6. I feel like I gave up both times without a real fight. With JP, I was working full time and pumping 3 times while I was at work, but we still needed to supplement with formula. His first meal wa...
The tale of my great adventure as I transition from full time worker mommy to stay at home mommy