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A light at the end of the whatever

I've been absent from my blog the last several months.
To be completely frank, I've been absent from my life as well.

For the last 6 months, I have felt like crap every single day.

When this first came about, I honestly thought I was pregnant.  It started as a nagging feeling of nausea after every meal, much like my first trimesters were.  After taking pregnancy tests twice a week for a little over a month, I went to my family doc, thinking to myself, "This is NOT OK!"
My family doc seemed fairly confident that my gallbladder was causing my pain.  I agreed with him, as my symptoms were textbook.
He sent me for an ultrasound, then a hida scan.  Both came back normal, so he referred me to a GI dude.
My specialist is a super nice guy.  I felt like he actually gave a crap about my health, and didn't just go thru the motions.  After my first appointment, he set up an upper GI and a colonoscopy... both scary words when you are a 30 year old.
I got a letter in the mail a few days after the test letting me know that the results for both of THOSE tests were normal as well, and to come in for a follow up appointment in 6 months.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am feeling increasingly more awful as days go by.  At this point in the game, I feel ill after every meal.  It doesn't matter what I eat, so I start opting for convenience food.  I hit drive thrus more than I should and make frozen stuff for the kids almost every night.
Here's the thing with gallbladder issues... you don't want to stand.  The only thing that is remotely comfortable is to sit.  I find myself spending the least amount of time possible standing.  I haven't made a home cooked meal in months.  I'm sure that people think I have gotten lazy when the fact of the matter is that I feel completely sick all of the time.
My house has suffered.  I haven't cleaned in ... well... longer than I'd care to admit to myself.
I try like heck to stay caught up with dishes and laundry, but only succeed half of the time.
My kids want to go outside, take walks and maybe even go to the park.  We have spent a great majority of the gorgeous fall weather inside due to my stupid health issues.
 So... 3 weeks or so after my tests, I call the GI office and make an appointment to see the doc again.
*tangent - I really hate that everytime I call a doc  office, there's a wait of at least a few weeks.
 He referred me to a surgeon and , after a 6 week wait, I finally got in with him for my surgical consult last Friday.
My surgery is set for Oct 26th.  I'm really looking forward to getting it over with and starting to finally feel better.
So... 9 days and counting!


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