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Holiday Craziness

I feel like a negligent blogger.
Things have been so crazy around here because of the holidays. I'm making several presents, so I have been a knitting fiend. 
I have also re-discovered video games.  That in of itself is dangerous.

In addition, I have also started watching a little boy full time.  He's totally rad, and the kids get along really well, which is a complete blessing.
I just feel a little spread thin some days.  Like I have all these things to accomplish and not nearly enough time to finish them.
Like Christmas cards.
I just got all the supplies to make them today.  It's the 12th of December.  Crunch. Time.

With all of these things happening, I feel like I don't have enough "me" time.
Monday was kind of glorious.  I asked my father in law to come and watch the kids so I could meet a friend for coffee and get a pedicure. Even tho the pedicure didn't end up happening, I did go to CVS and get some polish so I could give my toes some love later.  I also had Chex mix for lunch... which doesn't sound like a good thing... but it's not something I ever do, so it kind of felt like I was a little kid and eating cake for a meal.
It's the little things...

All that being said, I will be less absent after I get all my presents made and Christmas cards in the mail.
Less than 2 weeks and counting!


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