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Showing posts from September, 2013

That one time I left Facebook.

So, here it is.  I'm writing it out to get all my thoughts in order, and so everyone knows the real reasons for why I am walking away from social media. Since I quit working, it feels like I live in a time vacuum.  I don't get nearly enough done around the house on a regular basis, and it seems like time slips through my fingers.  I'm cranky and irritable more often than not.  I don't cook very often.  What the heck do I do all day?!  Seriously... I want to know! The answer is Facebook. The more time passes, the  less comfortable I am with the 400+ friends I have being able to see everything I do, everywhere I go, and (here's the big one) pictures of my kids. So, I have been systematically "unfriending" people who I never talk to outside of social media.  This resulted in a rather uncomfortable confrontation which kind of kick-started my thoughts about this into overdrive.  Am I putting too much time into Facebook?  Am I making it ...