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That one time I left Facebook.

So, here it is.  I'm writing it out to get all my thoughts in order, and so everyone knows the real reasons for why I am walking away from social media.
Since I quit working, it feels like I live in a time vacuum.  I don't get nearly enough done around the house on a regular basis, and it seems like time slips through my fingers.  I'm cranky and irritable more often than not.  I don't cook very often.  What the heck do I do all day?!  Seriously... I want to know!

The answer is Facebook.

The more time passes, the  less comfortable I am with the 400+ friends I have being able to see everything I do, everywhere I go, and (here's the big one) pictures of my kids.
So, I have been systematically "unfriending" people who I never talk to outside of social media.  This resulted in a rather uncomfortable confrontation which kind of kick-started my thoughts about this into overdrive.  Am I putting too much time into Facebook?  Am I making it a more important part of my life than it really should be? And (the really hard question) what am I neglecting because of Facebook?

So I did a little experiment... I logged myself out of my Facebook app on my phone.

15+ times the rest of the day, I found  myself mindlessly going to the app.  A lull in a conversation, the kids  playing quietly, after rotating the laundry... Facebook.
Here's where all of my time has gone!  This is the black hole.
So, I deactivated my account... just temporarily.  Just to see what would happen.

I cooked several meals, I spent lots of quality time with my kids.  I am finishing some knitting projects that have been untouched.  Dishes are done, laundry is (almost) caught up.
My kids are happy.  They don't have to scream and carry on for attention anymore. (Little did I know that's what all the running and screaming was for...)  I'm happy... I'm not relying on pre-packaged food.  I'm making awesome meals, spending every minute I can with my kids, and loving it so much.

So... my profile will be re-activated.  just temporarily.  Just long enough for the people who really care to see this.
For them to know that it's nothing personal.  It's just the right decision for me.


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