I was walking out to my car the other day to go somewhere... run a errand or something. I saw these 3 girls... 10, maybe 11 year olds, sitting on their bikes across the street from my driveway. I didn't pay them much attention until one of them yelled, "Hey! Will you be my best friend?" I froze, really not knowing how to respond. One of the girls, seeing my uncomfortable state, yelled, "She's kidding." to which I responded, "Ok.". Then I got in my car and left. This got me thinking... Why was my gut reaction so extreme? Why did this question make me so uncomfortable? So, I let my over-analysis start churning. When I was younger, I always had a best friend. As I grew and matured, the name kept changing. Inevitably, there were people who questioned, "Why isn't (insert name here) your best friend anymore...? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?!" I've done a lot of thinking the last few weeks on this. It's true, I ...
The tale of my great adventure as I transition from full time worker mommy to stay at home mommy