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Showing posts from 2016

A talk with the doc

General anesthesia has weird effects on me. I told my doc this during my consultation, and he gave me a strange look. When I got my gallbladder out, I was super sensitive to sound for several days. This time, the sound isn't so much the problem, but putting together words is proving difficult. Writing is easier than talking, but it's still tricky. When the doc called me last night, I felt like a bumbling idiot, unable to string together a coherent sentence. I tried to ask him questions about what other options I have, and I know I came off sounding ungrateful.  And you know, maybe there is a touch of that. Not ungrateful... disappointed.  He suggested that I seek a second opinion.  He wants to make sure there aren't any other options that he doesn't see. He also asked how I feel about a hysterectomy.  I told him I'm not thrilled, and he said neither is he, but if that's the way it has to go, then he wants me to feel better above all. So, we're moving f...

This might get graphic...

Guys, yesterday was a bad day. Not very many of you knew it, but I was scheduled for a uterine ablation. I was excited at the prospect of not having a period anymore. (Yes, I'm talking about periods. Gross. Moving on.)  They have gotten pretty rough, not letting me do a 90 minute swim without having to stop and change my tampon. I am crampy and uncomfortable the majority of the month. This , among other things, is less than convenient. So, yeah, I was looking forward to surgery. My husband brings me into the surgery center, I get prepped, they take me back, I go night night. I wake up... "We were unable to complete the procedure" No one was willing to go into too many details, as I was coming out of general anesthesia, and still kind of in and out. I remember talking briefly with the doc, but no one else. A nurse came to take me to recovery. She got me into the big chair in the recovery room. I began to cry. She covered me up, and held me while I ugly cried. She han...

I'm almost done!

I decided to start going back to school. I began my first semester back on August 22. In about 2 hours, I will have successfully completed my first ever semester in college! Holler! On a completely different note, school is hard, y'all! In addition to all of the work, papers, math homework, and crap assignments, I forgot how much of a petri dish it is in kindergarten. My daughter has missed so much school for fevers due to snotty noses. ( We also had vomit. Like, a lot of vomit. I didn't miss that, not one bit. She rivaled the exorcist, or the boy when he was dealing with his HSP. That was some crap... ) Anyway... college. I have switched all of my classes to online for the spring semester, which hopefully will be awesome. I will still have to come into the Learning Center for tests, but I can schedule those. It will be so nice to not have to commit to the classroom time. I will be able to be home for sick kids and snow days. Here's hoping that the girl's immune ...

Kindergarten is dead to me

For real, though... The girl was coughing all day yesterday, and was a general snot factory, in addition to not acting like her normal, bouncy self. Today, she is home from school, and I am a human couch cushion. It's the last week of the semester, and I have things... important things... that need to be done. Instead, I'm my daughter's bean bag chair, explaining details of a movie the kids have been watching non stop for the last month. Granted, it's comforting to know that my children don't fully pay attention to anything, and they don't reserve this just for me. But... back to the kindergarten petri dish... Things could be worse... we only had vomit for 4 days of the school year. Even though the girl has gotten a letter from the school for missing days, and it's 2.5 weeks before Christmas break.  At least each absence wasn't accompanied by puke. I can wipe a runny nose all day, er'y day. I think I need a nap. Laying around is exhausting. ...

Three years

It's been three years. I haven't made writing a priority for a number of reasons. Then there is this thing called life, and it does take over if you let it. Rest assured, I have been knitting, swimming, running, and being generally hilarious. Lots has happened in the last 3 years. My daughter is in kindergarten. My son is in THIRD GRADE. How does that even happen?!? My husband is ever active with the Masons and the Shrine. Last year, my son had a stent with HSP (Henoch-Schönlein purpura), which was a hell that deserves it's own post, honestly. I spent the second half of the school year last year volunteering 4 days a week at the school, just to be in the building if the boy needed me. With this, I was asked to help with lots of special projects, and was even put in charge of some major things. Clearly they haven't seen the crazy yet... and they still seem to think I'm pretty rad. Yep, I have them fooled. Lastly, in the midst of all of the crazy that is the e...