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I declare Mommy law!

I have been spoiling my children rotten.
No... I mean it...
I came to this realization this morning when I went to pick JP up from school.  His teacher said he was kind of in a fog both today and yesterday... which is very uncharacteristic for my little man.  She asked if he takes a nap when he gets home, and made a face when my reply was "No."  Not the first person that has responded in that way. When his pediatrician told me that he really needed to still be napping, i shrugged it off and told her that we try, but it ends up being quiet time since he simply refuses. 
Today was different.  I made up my mind on the way home that we would genuinely give it a shot.  No books, no lights on... I told him it was time for bed.  Not nap... bed.  He fought me briefly, but laid down and I haven't heard a peep. 
I realized that I'm still operating with the "we're going to be leaving shortly" mentality... It's so ingrained since I was working JP's whole life.  The "I can't put him down to sleep cause I'll just have to wake him up to leave for work" routine doesn't apply anymore.  We have all the afternoon for him to take a nap!
I also realized that I have been coddling Z a lot, too.  She has figured out that if she screams loud enough, I'll pick her up instead of peeking in and laying her back down.  That stops today, too.
I think the transition will be slightly difficult, but the result will be best for all involved... and I might get more uninterrupted showers!


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