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Outline of a morning

7:20am- Mommy's alarm goes off. I get up, turn on JP's light and tell him its time to wake up and use the potty. Proceed to bathroom to grab a quick shower as it has been 3 days. Gross.
7:25am- My husband pops his head in to kiss me goodbye and leaves for work.
7:26am - Blissful shower interrupted by JP telling me that he stayed dry all night! Very proud, and yet fussy.
7:27am-Exit the shower. Tell JP to grab clothes for the day, spend 3 minutes explaining why he needs a short sleeved shirt. He's not convinced by the snow outside. If I was wearing more than a towel, I would open the front door to illustrate my point.
7:30am- Compromise on wearing a long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved shirt.  JP gets his other clothes while I try to speed-dress.
7:31am - JP runs into the bedroom, clothes picked out, and brings his dinosaurs to play on the bed while I get dressed.
7:37am - finally dressed after a barrage of questions about dinosaurs and why he can't watch tv in the morning before school.  Tell him it's time to take off his jammies so we can get dressed.
7:42am- Jammies finally off after an argument ensues about how he needs to wear them to school, and how jammies are perfectly acceptable attire.
7:45am- Shirts on!  He says that he's "sirsty" and he wants some strawberry banana juice.  I get him milk.
7:50am -Socks on with mom's help.  He is still giving me the benefits of pink (strawberry) milk, which include but aren't limited to "White milk is yucky" and "Pink milk is tasty and delicious."
8:00am-Pants on.  I un-velcro his shoes so he can put them on himself.  He tells me why he can't do it.  I remind him that we don't use the word "can't".  He points at me accusingly.
8:07am-Shoes finally on with mom's help.  I mention that he could probably  put his folder and notebook in his backpack so we don't have to mess with that later.

8:15am - I hear him wrestling with his bag.  Peek around the corner to find that he's just messing around with his folder.  My husband had put his jacket over JP's "chair" so he could not get to his backpack.  Move the blazer, muttering under my breath that he's my 38 year old child.
8:20am- Check my email, look up to find JP on the couch "reading" his notebook (which is in his bag so his teacher and I can communicate.)
8:25am- Book and folder secured in his backpack, I start the car.
8:30am - Z finally awake.  Changed her pants and got her strapped into her car seat.  Ask Jack to put on his coat.  He says no, it's not cold outside. I thought we were past this...
8:35am- Argument ensues.  I ask him to look outside to see the snow on the ground.  He denies that there is snow.  He insists on wearing his jacket and not the nice, down-filled winter coat.
8:40am Open the front door and stand JP on the porch so he can know how cold it is.  He shivers and starts putting on his coat.
8:41am. Denies that he was really cold and insists that he wears his jacket.
8:42am. Grab my coffee, baby, and purse.  JP has his coat on and grabs his backpack under protest.
8:43am.  Open the door to the van with the key fob.  JP wanders around the driveway until he realizes there is snow on the car.  Tries to wipe it all off, cause we can't leave with snow on the car.
8:44am. Strapping him into the car seat.  He asks if he can take his dinosaur toys to school.  I tell him they will be waiting for him when he gets home.  Tears follow.
8:45am Everyone in the car and ready to leave for school.  JP is still talking about how he wants to take his dinosaurs with him.
8:55am Drop JP off at preschool.
9:00am. The start of 2.5 hours of peace.


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