So, after 3 months of leave from work and only one crying fit since Z was born (and that is a story all its own) I finally lost my cool today.
My husband was on his way out to the evening service at church and asked if I wanted him to bring dinner home after. Since its my last evening home before I go back to work, I was touched that he wanted to do something special. He said he was going to grab Joe's pizza since "its going to be the last time I see you for a while. "
*cue tears*
It's not about working at all. I love my job. I love the people I work with. I love the fact that I don't have to leave my babies with a stranger.
I hate leaving my babies at all. I really hate that I see my husband on Saturdays and Sunday mornings only.
Well, while we're conscious anyhow.
I started crying and telling Matt that I didn't want to go back and how I would miss him and the kids so much.
He starts smiling and telling me how great it makes him feel that after being home for 3 months I'm not completely sick and tired of him.
Then he says something he has never said before.
"I wish you could stay home, too. "
He left and my son JP jumped in to snuggle me and be a generally amazing little man.
Matt returned with pizza as promised, and asked how much time I could take off without putting my job at risk. Since I was off intermittently before my leave started due to migraines, unfortunately my FMLA is used up.
However, we should be getting slow at work within the next month or so which will allow for AVTO, or advanced voluntary time off. It would be unpaid leave, but it would give us an idea of whether or not it could work!
Heck, even if I had to go back after, it's still extra time with my family. Who can argue with that!?!
Guys, yesterday was a bad day. Not very many of you knew it, but I was scheduled for a uterine ablation. I was excited at the prospect of not having a period anymore. (Yes, I'm talking about periods. Gross. Moving on.) They have gotten pretty rough, not letting me do a 90 minute swim without having to stop and change my tampon. I am crampy and uncomfortable the majority of the month. This , among other things, is less than convenient. So, yeah, I was looking forward to surgery. My husband brings me into the surgery center, I get prepped, they take me back, I go night night. I wake up... "We were unable to complete the procedure" No one was willing to go into too many details, as I was coming out of general anesthesia, and still kind of in and out. I remember talking briefly with the doc, but no one else. A nurse came to take me to recovery. She got me into the big chair in the recovery room. I began to cry. She covered me up, and held me while I ugly cried. She han...
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