Tuesday was the day parents dread. The 2 month well baby check up. Complete with shots and inevitable tears for the mommy.
Z was a complete trooper. She did not shed a tear when getting her temperature or measurements taken (lil miss gained 3.5 lbs and over an inch in length). She cooed and smiled when the doc checked her out. She started getting a little hungry right before the nurse came back in to give her the first set of vaccines.
I'm so glad the nurse was quick. I remember when JP got his first ones, it seemed to take forever. Like, well over a minute. Z was done within a matter of seconds and stopped crying the second I picked her up.
Of course we had to hit CVS to pick up some Tylenol, then back home to snuggle and nap for the majority of the afternoon.
I'm not going to get on a soap box and grind down every parent that decides not to vaccinate their kids. It's a choice that we made, and I'm confident that it is the correct one for us. My best friend has chosen not to vaccinate her kids, and I respect her decision.
That being said, the last few days have been kinda hard. I could tell that Z was not her smiley self and just felt a little yucky. Luckily, much like her brother, she bounced back within 2 days.
I was sooooooooo done with yesterday. After a pretty cranky day, I decided that I wanted fried rice for dinner. So I jumped onto the website for an Asian restaurant down the street from our house (they also deliver, cause I was feeling super extra lazy) and order some house fried rice, and a few things for my husband. I got an order confirmation email right away. So we wait. ...and wait. ...and wait. ...and wait some more. 45 minutes tick by, then an hour. I go back to the website to grab a phone # to make sure our order will get here before the place closes. That's when i see they aren't even open on saturdays. *dramatic music* *falls to knees and shakes fist at the sky while simultaneously bursting into tears* NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! So i warmed up some squash and ate some refrigerator candy... which was good, but not what my uterus... er.... belly wanted. So, i set out to make some myself. At first it just started...
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