Tuesday was the day parents dread. The 2 month well baby check up. Complete with shots and inevitable tears for the mommy.
Z was a complete trooper. She did not shed a tear when getting her temperature or measurements taken (lil miss gained 3.5 lbs and over an inch in length). She cooed and smiled when the doc checked her out. She started getting a little hungry right before the nurse came back in to give her the first set of vaccines.
I'm so glad the nurse was quick. I remember when JP got his first ones, it seemed to take forever. Like, well over a minute. Z was done within a matter of seconds and stopped crying the second I picked her up.
Of course we had to hit CVS to pick up some Tylenol, then back home to snuggle and nap for the majority of the afternoon.
I'm not going to get on a soap box and grind down every parent that decides not to vaccinate their kids. It's a choice that we made, and I'm confident that it is the correct one for us. My best friend has chosen not to vaccinate her kids, and I respect her decision.
That being said, the last few days have been kinda hard. I could tell that Z was not her smiley self and just felt a little yucky. Luckily, much like her brother, she bounced back within 2 days.
Guys, yesterday was a bad day. Not very many of you knew it, but I was scheduled for a uterine ablation. I was excited at the prospect of not having a period anymore. (Yes, I'm talking about periods. Gross. Moving on.) They have gotten pretty rough, not letting me do a 90 minute swim without having to stop and change my tampon. I am crampy and uncomfortable the majority of the month. This , among other things, is less than convenient. So, yeah, I was looking forward to surgery. My husband brings me into the surgery center, I get prepped, they take me back, I go night night. I wake up... "We were unable to complete the procedure" No one was willing to go into too many details, as I was coming out of general anesthesia, and still kind of in and out. I remember talking briefly with the doc, but no one else. A nurse came to take me to recovery. She got me into the big chair in the recovery room. I began to cry. She covered me up, and held me while I ugly cried. She han...
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