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Potty training is dead to me

I'm not trying to be cute... I'm totally serious. I'm over the whole thing.
We started talking potty training with JP before I started my maternity leave, around February or March. He would go if it was incidental, but we weren't very consistent. I wasn't waking up until 10:30 at the earliest, which made staying dry at night impossible as he was up at least an hour before me playing in his room. We were at the house until 3 or so before heading to NeeMa's so I could get to work by 5 (NeeMa... My mom... Only lives 20 minutes from us, but then I would have to leave her house at 4:30 to get at work a little early to be ready to rock by 5) She has a potty, but they always seemed to have too much fun to stop and try to potty.
The whole situation was extraordinarily inconsistent at best.
Once I started my leave, we pushed the subject more. I would have him sit on his potty whenever I had to go, which since it was the tail end of of my pregnancy, seemed to be every 15 minutes. We started to have more luck. I put a jar of M& M's in the bathroom and he got a few immediately when he used his potty. We started to make a little progress!
As I got more pregnant, we seemed to spend less time at the house. I had more dr's appointments and errands to run, and since we had the little potty and not a seat to fit on the big one, there was a serious meltdown when I suggested that he try and use the big potty at my grandparents house. Ditto with any restaurant changing table. I'm talking knock down, drag out, is that frazzled, extremely pregnant sadist sticking toothpicks in her child's eyelids, cause that's sure what it sounds like!
After Z was born, things got better. Heck, we went a whole day using big boy underwear and he peed in the potty 7 times or something silly. I was so proud of the kid! We made a huge deal about it, and he got a cookie everytime (albeit small ones... The shine had since worn off the M&M's)
The next day, it was like a light switch got turned off. Not only did he not use the potty, he screamed and cried and carried on when I suggested that he sit to "get into the routine. "
There have been tears. There have been fights. There have been incoherent full on temper tantrums.
I decided that maybe if he picks out a potty, that'll encourage him to use it. We went to target and we picked out a multi tasker. It's a stand alone potty, but the seat also comes out and snaps onto a big potty, the rest able to be used as a stepstool. It also plays music if you use it freestanding.
JP got all excited and we got it home, set everything up, and we started being successful again.
A few days after the new potty was introduced, he made another decision. He liked peeing in his pull up.
And he tells us to our faces. "I like peeing in my pants, mommy. " I have also heard how he likes sitting in poo, cause its yummy. Gross.
I'm kind of at a loss.
I'm not looking for advice, really. I've heard lots of ways to train, and I feel like I've tried everything... Some things twice.
Any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated, as I feel completely helpless. I know in my heart that I have not ruined this kid, but my head keeps telling me that I should be doing it differently. I just wish I knew what that meant.
I have a feeling that it's going to be like every other milestone. He's going to decide that he's done with pull ups and he'll be trained over night. Call me crazy, but I'm getting a little impatient for that day.


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